Introducing Tenzu

jrymer -
Sept. 5, 2024

BIRU is proud to announce that it has been chosen to take over the development of TaigaNext, the Taiga redesign project.

biru + taiga

The product will now be called Tenzu and it is now our main development project at BIRU.


Taiga is an opensource project developed by the Kaleidos company as soon as 2014. It is used for effective project management and is adapted to the SCRUM methodology.

A few years later, the company decided to start from scratch and redesign the software to make it even simpler and more powerful than its predecessor. This project was named TaigaNext.

At the same time, Kaleidos started the development of Penpot, a competitor (still opensource) to Figma, which aims to reconcile the needs of designers and developers. And it works!

Unfortunately, the success of this new product meant that no more time could be given to TaigaNext, and in 2024, Kaleidos looked for a team to carry on the project.

BIRU, who had already begun to invest themselves in the development of Taiga, came forward and after a few meetings with Kaleidos, we threw ourselves completely into this adventure.

What is Tenzu?


Tenzu is a collaborative project management software in ongoing development.

Tenzu's objective is multifold:

  • Be relevant for the whole lifecycle of a project, from the conception / MVP phases to more mature projects involving other work paradigms.
  • Offer a guided approach to empower teams with a sound methodology to follow, without the need for extensive project management experience.
  • Bring as much value to production teams as to decision-makers:
    We want to put in place monitoring tools that don't produce metrics that can only be used to fill beautiful, unusable graphs.
    Instead, we want to devise a solution that will make it easy to check the health of a project and quickly identify the causes for degradation such as poor prioritisation, technical debts or wrong market-fit.
  • Enabling easy collaboration for all, with strong requirements in terms of software accessibility and inclusiveness

And of course, Tenzu will be 100% opensource!

For more context, check out the presentation page on the Tenzu website.

There is also the original announcement of the TaigaNext's successor search we applied for, as well as Tenzu's detailed introduction to the Taiga community.

And if you have any questions about this project, please contact us through the community website or the dedicated email address: